LT Knoxville Sets its Sights on Cystic Fibrosis

                                   Team Captain John Britton accepting the Silver Sponsor and Third Place Plaques.                                    From left to right:  Callie Deanda, John Britton, Jim Deanda, and Cale Deanda.

Team Captain John Britton accepting the Silver Sponsor and Third Place Plaques.
From left to right: Callie Deanda, John Britton, Jim Deanda, and Cale Deanda.

The Lewis Thomason sporting clays team took third place Friday in the 13th Annual Vulcan Materials “Make a Break Thru for CF” Sporting Clays Tournament held at the Chilhowee Sportsman’s Club in Maryville, Tennessee on April 24, 2015.  The team was captained by John Britton, a shareholder in the Knoxville Office.

Lewis Thomason was also a Silver Sponsor of this event.  This firm, and before it Lewis King, has sponsored this tournament in some capacity every year since it began.  The event is the largest charity sporting clays tournament in the southeast.  Over 500 shooters, from 11 different states, participated during the two-day tournament, which raised over $171,000 to help fight cystic fibrosis.

The event is sponsored by Cure Finders, a non-profit organization benefitting cystic fibrosis research.  The Director of the organization is Jim Deanda.  Jim is also the Director of Information Services for the City of Sevierville, an important LT client.

This year, Jim has begun to “pass the torch” on to the next generation.  Two of his three children, Callie and Cale, both of whom have cystic fibrosis, have begun taking over the operation of this tournament.

During the awards ceremony, Jim thanked Lewis Thomason for its support of the tournament every year since its inception and for increasing its sponsorship level through the years.

Jim presented John Britton with a Silver Sponsor plaque for the firm.  At the bottom of the plaque are the Latin words “Dum Spiro Spero”, which it translates as “While I breathe, I hope”.

Lewis Thomason is pleased to have been able to contribute to this event and to offer hope to Callie, Cale, and the many other children and young adults who are afflicted with this disease.

For more information on this very worthwhile organization, please go to



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