J. Randolph Bibb Jr. Named “Lawyer of the Year”

J. Randolph Bibb, Jr. was recently named the Best Lawyers© 2014, Nashville, Tennessee, Mass Tort, Litigation, Class Action – Defendant “Lawyer of the Year.” (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc. of Aiken, SC).

Thirteen Lewis King Attorneys Selected for Inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2014

R. Dale Bay, J. Randolph Bibb, Jr., Leslie F. Bishop, John J. Britton, Lisa Ramsay Cole, Charles W. Cagle, David N. Garst, Lawrence F. Giordano, John King, Richard Krieg, Linda Mowles, John Tarpley, and R. Loy Waldrop, Jr. were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America©  2014 (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, SC). Lewis King was founded in 1960 and today has 58 attorneys in its three … Read More

Lewis King Names Board Members

At a meeting on Friday, October 18, Lewis King shareholders re-elected Rodney Fields, David Garst, Lawrence Giordano, and Richard Krieg to serve on the firm’s Board of Directors. They join Reba Brown, Robert Chapski and Benjamin Jones. Lisa Ramsay Cole is the President of Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop, P.C. and the managing partner of the Nashville office. Rodney Fields is the managing partner … Read More

Blount Teens Sworn into New Youth Court

Blount County’s first youth court became official this weekend as 30 students were sworn in as jurors of the court, the Daily Times reports. The Blount County Youth Court, a legacy project for the Leadership Blount Class of 2013, will operate under Juvenile Judge Terry Denton’s supervision. Student volunteers will hear cases and determine the sentences of first-time, nonviolent juvenile offenders. “They’re proven programs,” … Read More

Lynn Peterson is Recipient of Leadership Blount’s 2013 Alumni Service Award

Barley’s was the venue for the 2013 Leadership Blount Alumni Reunion. This year classes ending in a 3 or 8 were recognized.  Almost one hundred members of the five classes attended the event. Attending from the Board of Directors were Rick Shepard, John Hinkle, Jane Andrews, Michael Hollenbach, Tish Hickman, Becky Swann, Dave Lazar and Charity Thompson. Each class honored … Read More

Teachers Should Think Before Venting on Social Media

By: Janet Strevel Hayes The back-to-school season is winding down. Homework has started, and the excitement of a new school year is giving way to the tedium of the school routine. Those cute “first day” photos on social media are being replaced with frustrated rants over school issues. The ranting is not limited to students and parents. Teachers are increasingly … Read More

Thomason Hendrix successfully defends physician

Thomason Hendrix partners Kevin O. Baskette and Claire M. Cissell represented an internal medicine physician in a recent medical malpractice trial. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant doctor failed to adequately treat the patient’s pneumonia. After a two-week trial, the jury ruled in favor of the defendant physician, finding no negligence.

Thomason Hendrix successfully defends medical clinic

Thomason Hendrix partners Stephen W. Vescovo and Claire M. Cissell represented a medical clinic in a recent medical malpractice trial. The plaintiff alleged that the medical clinic’s delay in giving her an appointment caused her nerve damage to her foot. After a two-week trial, the jury ruled in favor of the defendant medical clinic, finding that the delay did not … Read More

New Gun Law

By:  Janet Hayes Guns — a word that can spark debate, ignite passion and ruin good dinner conversation faster than any other. It was once considered poor form to publicly discuss controversial subjects like sex, politics and religion, but those topics now seem ripe for “healthy” debate. Mention guns, however, and the stage is set for a new-age version of … Read More

Lawyer of the Year

Thomason Hendrix attorney J. Kimbrough Johnson was recently named The Best Lawyers in America © 2014 Memphis Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants “Lawyer of the Year.”