Chuck Cagle

Shareholder Chuck Cagle recently presented Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under State and Federal Law and the Employee Handbook to the Nashville First Baptist Church staff.  Chuck is past chair of First Baptist’s Personnel Committee and past chair of the Deacons.  He currently serves as counsel to the church.  Chuck frequently speaks to places of worship on legal issues affecting them, and he was appointed to the Tennessee Baptist Convention (TBC) Sexual Abuse Task Force due to his experience handling similar claims within school systems and in ethics and public policy matters.  At Lewis Thomason, Chuck oversees the firm’s representation of over 70 public boards of education, two private schools, two private universities, and a private medical school in a variety of legal matters including employment issues related to both licensed and classified employees, employee and student discipline, employee and student rights, special education and disability accommodation, constitutional rights issues, sexual harassment and bullying issues, civil rights, desegregation, school system consolidation, tort liability, school system business practices, school funding, taxation, and school construction.

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