Bright and early on the morning of January 6, 2023 (Little Christmas in Italy when La Befana brings gifts to the children), I received an email from Sam Henninger asking if I would write an article for the Management Counsel Column for DICTA, due July 7, to provide timely information on management issues, such as effective communication or strategic planning. On the afternoon of February 3, 2023, I fished out Sam’s email, apologized, and offered to try my hand at it if he still needed someone. Apparently, there’s not a run on authors for these articles, so he still needed someone.
First, true confession, I am not a manager. Frankly, I have never managed anything or anyone, least of all my family. I set the clocks 15 to 30 minutes ahead at home so we can arrive on time. My refrigerator is covered with notes and reminders, and then I forget to look at them. Read the full article in the April 2023 – Volume 52 Issue 4 of DICTA.